Dear Neighbor, This week’s newsletter will have an unfamiliar tone. It reflects my frustration with the unfortunate politicization of our current situation. I have tried hard to be supportive of the governor during this extremely difficult time and, in fact, I think many of the early steps we took as...
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Legislative Republicans’ Safe Economic Restart Plan
Legislative Republicans’ Safe Economic Restart Plan
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Wagoner concerned about releasing prisoners due to COVID-19
Sen. Keith Wagoner, R-Sedro-Woolley, issued the following statement regarding the governor’s decision to release up to 950 incarcerated individuals from the state’s correctional facilities due to risks of contracting COVID-19. “As the prime sponsor of the only legislation directly addressing inmate health care and procedures in the last legislative session,...
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COVID-19: Stay Separate, Stay Safe
Dear Neighbor, As we continue focusing on saving lives during the COVID-19 crisis, we also need to look to the future on how life will resume afterward. We do not want to come out of this crisis economically devastated. The key to a strong recovery is limiting the damage done...
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COVID-19: information and resources to keep you healthy
Dear Friends and Neighbors, Each day brings new challenges and new questions as we face a temporary new reality in the light of COVID-19. I know, the last thing you need is another voice telling you to “wash your hands”; you want meaningful information. I hope the web links throughout...
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2020 session adjourns
Dear Neighbor, As the 2020 legislative session comes to a close, I want to thank everyone who has called, emailed and stopped by my office. I have heard from thousands of you this year on issues we are addressing in Olympia. I hope you continue to share your concerns and...
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Improving state correctional facilities
Dear Neighbor, With less than a week to go in the 2020 legislative session, I have spent countless hours on the floor of the Senate, working to protect the values of our district while balancing the needs of our great state. While it has not been easy, with what feels...
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Budget season in Olympia
Dear Neighbor, As the 2020 Legislative Session begins to wind-down, much of our attention is turning towards our supplemental operating and supplemental capital budgets. The budget process is difficult –at best–as we work to balance the needs of government with the needs of its citizens. Health, public safety, education, these...
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Wagoner bill protecting inmates and corrections officers passes Senate
Senate Bill 6063, which directly tackles management problems in the Department of Correction’s medical unit passed the Senate Monday. The bill, sponsored by Sen. Keith Wagoner, R-Sedro-Woolley, would establish minimum qualifications for a prison medical director, set criteria for transferring a patient to a health care facility for medical assistance...
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